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Member benefits and fees

The Australian Society for Technical Communication (ASTC) promotes and supports people who design, write and edit technical and business information.


Individual ASTC membership benefits

Individual membership provides you with the following benefits:


  • Access to the quarterly ISTC (Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators) Communicator magazine.

  • Access to the online International Journal of Technical Communicators (IJTC)

  • Access to monthly Members Meetings where we invite experts to present on topics of interest to Technical Communicators.

  • Discounted access to our Annual Conference.

  • Discounts for sponsors' products.

  • Tax deductible membership and Conference fees (speak to your accountant).

  • Centralised access to resources and information through the ASTC website.

  • Opt-in access to a job opportunities mailing list and links provided through LinkedIn.

  • Regular email updates with information and offers.

  • Information about new and developing technologies.

  • Networking opportunities through social media, Members Meetings, and our Annual Conference.

  • Full voting rights and eligibility to join the ASTC Committee.


Individual membership includes full, student or retired member options.


Corporate ASTC membership benefits

If your organisation has a team of Technical Communicators, you might want to consider a corporate membership. Corporate membership provides the following benefits:


  • All the benefits of individual membership for your entire team, except individual voting rights. Your organisation nominates one person with the right to vote on your behalf.

  • Membership is tax deductible as a fee paid to a trade, business, or professional association. As well, meeting, seminar, and conference fees are also tax deductible because they're a form of self-education that maintains or improves your employees' knowledge and skills.

  • Displaying your company logo on the ASTC website.


New members

To join the ASTC as a new member, go to our booking site:


Existing members

For existing members, we'll email your membership renewal to you. The payment details are on your invoice.


Membership fees

Membership fees are for 12 months from 1 July to June 30 the following year.

If you join after the July annual renewal, fees are charged pro-rata up to the next July.


ASTC membership is GST free. Our ABN is: 67 484 198 411.

Membership fees 


Membership fees are for 12 months from

1 July to June 30 the following year.

If you join after the July annual renewal, fees are charged pro-rata up to the next July.


  • Full Member $80 per annum

  • Student/Retired $40 per annum

  • Corporate Membership $250 per annum


​New members, go to our booking site:


The ASTC promotes networking in many ways although these have changed since the advent of COVID-19. Our annual conference is the main networking event, but we also have formal and informal meet-ups conducted via Zoom. Technical communicators often work alone, or maybe in a small team. Our networking allows for support and sharing of information and ideas, and to meet other people in similar roles. Check out our LinkedIn and Facebook pages.


The ASTC supports professional development through education and learning to keep up with changes in the way we work and the tools we use.
We are always looking for new opportunities for members and non-members to update or advance our knowledge and skills.
Training delivery has changed dramatically and now allows access to content both locally and globally.


ASTC members can elect to receive our Job Opportunity emails. We publish details of jobs we hear about. If you are thinking of making a change, constantly looking for new challenges or just curious about what's out there, why not subscribe? It's free to our members, and to employers and agents alike. 


If you hear of a technical writer job going, let us know via our contact us page and we'll advertise it. 


We have agreements with related associations in Australasia and other regions around the world. 

Through this we open career doors for our members and provide resources and services at member rates. 

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