Roles and Responsibilities
ASTC Committee Roles and Responsibilities
Ordinary Committee Member
Anyone can join the committee and not have a specific role. Joining the committee entails attending a monthly zoom meeting, suggesting and providing feedback on ideas, and helping out as needed.
President Roles and Responsibilities
A required role according to our Constitution. The responsibilities of the President include:
Lead the ASTC and the Committee
Chair the monthly Committee meetings
Represent the ASTC to outside organisations
Vice-President Roles and Responsibilities
A required role according to our Constitution. The responsibilities of the Vice-President include:
Assist the President in their duties
Treasurer Roles and Responsibilities
A required role according to our Constitution. The Treasurer manages the society’s funds. We have a bookkeeper/accountant so this role is more about planning finances, authorising payments, and ensuring we have the funds to cover our expenses.
The Treasurer works with the President and Vice-President.
Secretary's Role and Responsibilities
A required role according to our Constitution. The Secretary's role in the ASTC is important. It is a required role according to our Constitution, and it’s also a Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) requirement.
The responsibilities of the Secretary include:
Maintain the calendar invites and associated Zoom meeting information for the:
Monthly Committee meetings
Monthly Members Meetings
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Attend monthly Committee meetings:
Prepare the agenda
Record the minutes
Monitor the secretary@astc.org.au email account and respond to emails as required
Keep track of any association communications and correspondence
After the AGM, ensure compliance with our yearly CAV requirements.
Communications Officer Role and Responsibilities
The Communications Officer role, while not strictly required according to our Constitution, is important for facilitating regular communication with our membership. The responsibilities of the Communications Officer include:
Regularly communicate with our membership via email to inform them of upcoming events and initiatives of the association:
President updates
Members Meetings
IJTC updates
Annual Conference updates
As required, send out the Jobs email to subscribed members
Create social media posts advertising our upcoming events, especially our Annual Conference
Other communications initiatives that raise ASTC awareness in the Technical Writer community
This role could be performed by a group of members.
Website Officer Roles and Responsibilities
The Website Officer role, while not strictly required according to our Constitution, is important for maintaining our ASTC website. The responsibilities of the Website Officer include:
Working with Wix, make regular updates to the website about:
Members Meetings
Annual Conference updates
Ad hoc updates and corrections as directed by the Committee
Any improvements to the overall look and design of the website would be a wonderful bonus
Maintain and improve ASTCs Google Drive document repository
This role could be performed by a group of members.
Monthly ASTC Webinar Organiser
This webinar organiser finds speakers for our monthly webinars. The role responsibilities include
Finding people to present sessions
Setting up the zoom meeting invites
Liaising with the communication role to send out the emails in a timely manner
ASTC typically aims for 8 to 10 presentations a year.
The topics are to be related to things our membership is interested in.
Conference Committee
The Conference subcommittee is all about planning and running the Conference. Anyone from the ASTC Committee can participate. ​​