About Us
The Australian Society for Technical Communication (ASTC) Incorporated is a not-for-profit national group of people who work with technical and business information in many ways. The aim of the ASTC is to promote and support technical communication in the Australasian region and to provide networking and learning opportunities for our members.
Members are key to our society as we are a volunteer organisation. Our members come from all different fields and industries and have a huge range of knowledge and experience. We help members by providing information, networking, support, job advertisements, and professional development opportunities.
Our history
From the late 80s, there were two separate ASTC societies, one each in New South Wales and Victoria. Both societies had members from other states and they shared the same aims and goals: to promote technical communication. In 2013, the members of both societies voted to form a national body.
In 2014, representatives from both societies joined forces to form the national ASTC committee. Working together, we created a group to sort out the details and join us under the one banner. We had to introduce a temporary name for the new society as we could not register a similar name to an existing society in Victoria. For several years the national society had the temporary name of the Technical Writers Industry Association (TWIA).
We’ve now registered the national ASTC committee in the state of Victoria. We work under the Model Rules of the Associations Incorporation Reform Act of 2012, as all associations must. The Act says that we need a Committee, so we have one, and it includes some compulsory and optional positions.
Connect with your profession.
Learn from your peers.
ASTC Committee
A group of dedicated technical communication professionals make up the ASTC Committee each year. Our committee members volunteer their time to plan and manage the ASTC's program and meet the regulatory responsibilities of the committee and their committee roles.
The committee is elected at the ASTC's Annual General Meeting. The committee can have up to ten members, with four compulsory office-bearer and six regular member positions. Committee members can live anywhere in Australia, including rural or city areas. Our committee meets online, so distance is not an issue for meetings, we just need to manage the time zones.
2024 Annual General Meeting
Our latest AGM was held on November 6, 2024. At this meeting we elected the following people to represent the ASTC:
Grant Noble, President
Jason Xiros, Vice President
Treasurer, Julia Ponder
Regular committee member, Sarah Stubbs
Like last year, we're starting off without a Secretary. Apart from being a Constitutional requirement, the Secretary role is very important to the successful running of the Committee. If you're keen to help and would like to step up for this role, let us know. Alternatively, if you'd like to contribute as a regular committee member, that would be great too. Either way, if you're interested in helping out, send an email to committee@astc.org.au.
Grant Noble
Grant has over 30 years of Technical Writing experience across a diverse range of industries. He joined the ASTC in 2007, was a previous executive committee member, and has presented at multiple Annual Conferences. When not Technical Writing, Grant's favourite activities are cycling and beer brewing.